Instant Inspiration, the weekly capsules of inspiration
I vision of a workplace where every employee has utmost respect and a deep sense of gratitude for each other, where ego has no space, where every member takes personal responsibility, where prevails a culture which gives maximum freedom to make mistakes, to fail more often, there by breeding creativity and innovation to the next level. Yes! I vision of an Organization where leadership is deeply embedded in every single employee.
In my pursuit of making workplace a happier, more harmonious, highly productive, supremely trust-worthy, giantly creative, extremely motivated, more and more people-friendly, I write to a group of employees on a weekly basis. This is in my constant endeavor and commitment to share my learning from books I read, the many ted-talks I watch and umpteen learning experiences at workplace I observe and journal.  
In my current position, I could reach to a few hundred employees. My mission is to reach to thousand and tens of thousands of people and even beyond one day. Every Sunday hereafter, I will share one letter from my nugget under a new label Instant Inspiration, the weekly capsules of Inspiration and I hope that it will help you to change the way you think, you behave and you work.
Today I share one of my experiences I had at workplace, a few weeks ago. I wrote this letter on Tuesday, April 15, 2014. So those of you who have read it earlier, may skip 🙂
small line – BIG LINE Theory 
Greetings to Each one of you,
Last Weekend I was watching this TED talk on ‘Gratefulness’ by David Steindl-Rast who is a Benedictine Monk and an inter-faith scholar. He says, ‘in daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful but gratefulness that makes us happy.’ Yes, it is Gratitude which births happiness and not the other way around. Well, I do not want to miss this opportunity of expressing my Gratitude to all those who liked my email on ‘Failing Forward’. Thanks a Million times to each one of you. You all inspire me.
Today, I want to share an incident from my current project, Vistex Upgrade which is approaching its completion (in technical terms, Going Live in Production) this weekend. The lesson I learnt was so profound, so transforming, in fact it made me to think about myself in an altogether different light. Thought, it may help some, if not all of you.
Shyam Sundar, a Vistex Consultant is incredibly knowledgeable, highly grounded, soft-spoken and an extremely, rather an ultra- helpful person. And I can say, he is a ‘one in thousands’ person based on my interaction with him in the past 4 to 5 month’s period ever since I came here.  About a couple of weeks ago, we were chatting on this Lync Instant Messaging. I thanked him for a certain help of his. Well, if you know me or have observed me closely, I have this habit of giving a genuine compliment to anyone who has done well in some way or the other and is in my vicinity. I thanked Shyam with my genuine words of compliments ‘You are the most helpful person I have ever seen in six years of my IT life.’ I meant all my words. He replied back with a question ‘Narendra, Do you know small line – BIG LINE Theory?’ I said – No, What is it? He agreed to reveal this theory when we meet in person.
A few days passed, out of busyness we could not meet. One fine day, I got stuck with another Vistex related issue which required his expertise. I went to his desk and after discussing the technical stuff, I put forward the question which was lingering to my mind all these days.  With his calm composure and signature smile, Shyam took a piece of paper and drawn a small line and asked me, without touching the ends of this small line, Can you draw a bigger line? Somehow I managed to draw a parallel line bigger than the former recalling the games we used to play in childhood days. And then he said, ‘I am the most helpful unless you see someone more helpful than me, there is always someone better than the other somewhere in the world’.  At that particular moment, I was stunned, simply spell-bound by the simplicity and the humility of this person who is so deeply knowledgeable, who is so dependable, who is a GO-to person, on whom the Solution Owner has a deep trust. This incidence taught me two important lessons and here is something for you to grasp.
Firstly, there will always be someone better than you somewhere. It is just a matter of time when you will meet that ‘someone’. So if you have the habit of comparing yourself with others, my friend, you will always be dis-heartened, you will always be dis-content. The only person you should compete is yourself. See, how you can make your today better than yesterday. What new things you can learn today, what new habits you can build; what new resources you can access and so on that challenges and outwits your yesterday. And the second lesson is the lesson of humility, Simplicity and Goodness. No matter how talented, how valuable, how demanding you are, stay grounded, and stay focused. Be so Good, that no one can ignore you.
Well, I can write many more pages on these thoughts. I will stop here hoping that the small line – BIG LINE theory has inspired some of you to change the way you think and behave. Today, there are probably 100s of you in my emailing list. If you think this and all my emails have helped you in some way, I invite you to share these emails with your friends who you think can also benefit. You can loop me if you wish to and I can add them to my emailing list. My vision is to reach to thousands of you. Do share your thoughts what are you doing to improve your today. I will be the happiest person to help you in any possible way I can….
With TONS of Gratitude and Best Wishes,
Narendra Gupta
Before honor is humility. 