Fri/Sat, 03/04 May 2013; 11:30pm
Electronic City, Bangalore

Today is my final day in the City of Gardens, tomorrow I leave for the City of Joy. Yes I am shifting to Kolkata tomorrow. Another memorable day passing by. I influenced 4 lives today inspiring them to lead a purposeful, goal oriented life which gives them the reason to wake up from the couch early in the morning.
I started the morning giving final touch to my packing. This was followed by morning walk and breakfast of 2 Dosas at one of the south indian hotels near Anugraha hospital. Afternoon I parceled my stuffs through Anshu Packers and Movers. Todays meal and dinner was special. My entrepreneur friend invited me for the finals days meal. Bhabhi made Rice-Dal in the afternoon lunch and Roti-Sabji in the dinner complemented with so many dishes were soul-satisfying. Thankyou Dileep and Bhabhi jee.
During my evening walk I met Guru Prasad, one of my Ambassdor training mates. What a simple, friendly and splendid guy he is. I learn a lot from simple people. He invited me to his room where I met his frined Ramesh, another Wiproite. We exchanged pleasantries. I tried to propel his spirit by requesting him to do better in his career. Once you are confident in your work, you will be able to handle other areas of life way more confidently and in a much better way. Thereafter I had Tea-Snacks with Guru post which I invited him to my house. I shared my idea to lead better life, to lead without title. I urged him to read book by Robin sir, ‘The Leader who had no Title’.
My cousin brother, Mukesh came to see me before I leave the City tomorrow. Mukesh has been looking for job but he had hard luck all the time. I encouraged him to be patient and keep working hard constantly. Later in the night after dinner with my entrepreneur friend Dileep, who was whining and feeling guilty after watching TV but not doing something about it, I encouraged him to stop this and have self-control. I inspired him to think of what the best people would have done at his position, If Infosys founder Narayan Murhty would have spent time uselessly watching TV some 30 years ago, INFOSYS would not have HAPPENED. Focus on your Goals and keep working towards it. Avoid distractions – TV, FB, Useless Talk, New Papers. Do timely introspection on where you stand now and where you want to go in life. Realize the un-explored potential within you, you will definitely do wonders in your life.
On that note I call it a day, a beautiful day 😛 Tomorrow morning I have flight and need to wake up early. After 15 months I am leaving the city of Bengaluru for the good, they say it ‘Namma Bengaluru’. Love you and will certainly miss you. I have a goal and mission to serve my Parents, my God , spend time with my baby and Wifey. I am coming Kolkata!
Good Night to each one of you. Love you and Wish you all the best on this adventurous journey called Life.
Do celebrate …LIFE! it is BIG.
Narendra Gupta