Electronic City, Bangalore

While the temperature in Bangalore has taken a plunge, my temperament to give the best shot at work and work-out remains upbeat. I actually feel better after exhausting my body in the Gym for 35-40 minutes, I feel better in other areas of Life, be it work, be it dealing with people, be it dealing with personal issues, be it resolving my family worries. I must say, I feel good after many many years,though, it’s just the beginning.

Reached office at 7:25am and did about 35-40 minutes of workout (Exercise Set 2 by Jack, my Trainer in UK) Thereafter, started the my thirst for work, yes, the work which I love. I am enjoying my work all these days, certainly this phase has come after a long time. Thank you GOD. you have been so kind. It was a nice busy but satisfactory day all in all.

I had started this blog (Mai Narendra) with 3 things in mind:
1. To shed off my habit of Procrastination – First one in the list is M-70, a Goal which I had made around 2 years back, but could never keep up my words to self, Just b’coz of my habit of putting off things to a later date.

2. To become consistent in important areas of my Life – Be it Exercising, Studying, Maintaining Relationship and so on.

3. To express my-self to the world, What I as an individual think about self, things thereby sharing my inspirations,my life-style.

I stop here today and give the next 5 minutes to self thinking on things which I have been procrastinating in past few months. Switching my Job is the next big thing on mind.

Good Night to all friends and well-wisher and all lovely people reading me,

Narendra Gupta