Electronic City, Bangalore

I chose to rest my body after yesterday’s 450 plus calorie burn-out. Also, the portion below my knee in right leg was paining a bit, so opted for a repose.

Did some decent work at office and received accolades from Teammates and Manger for the same. Got complements with words like “you are doing everything a Manager would do”. I feel when you take that extra-responsibility with the commitment towards your work people appreciate your endeavor. Thanks to my Teammate.

One habit which I wish to root out of me is the habit of complaining, complaining about the management, complaining about situations, complaining about time, luck, people and many more. Earlier in my life, many a times, I have vowed to self that I won’t complain for anything, but I do not keep on my words for long and get back into the trap of complaining. Friends, Do you have any suggestions to get me out of this petty circle of complaining?

The following lines of Johann motivate a bit….
I will not be as those who spend the day in complaining of headache, and the night in drinking the wine that gives it. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Good Night.