Saturday, 09 Feb 2013; 10:25pm
Electronic City, Bangalore

Today’s spoon of motivation (#Blog’s Title for the day) comes from the book ‘The Leader who had no Title’. Surprisingly, this is the first line with which author and one of my inspirational Gurus, Mr. Robin Sharma has begun writing, making us realize the bitter fact in the beginning only. So, what really can we do to make our lives worthwhile, and so that we do not die amid mediocrity? That is a question we need to ask ourselves. You may get some idea from the book which recommend that we do not really need a Title or be in leadership positions to Lead. I have started reading this beautiful book, will highly recommend to each one of you reading me. All the Best!
I spent the day peacefully with self and took much needed rest. Cooked my favorite Palak-Aloo sabji with rotis this afternoon, Loved it!!
Yes, I welcome Government’s move to hang terrorist Afzal Guru who was one of the master minds in the 2001 attack on Indian Parliament. Well, loss of such lives should not be regretted as these people had done the most heinous crimes taking away many lives and if they would have succeeded in their deadliest o intention, we would have lost many of our top leaders. So Well Done Mr President, Well Done Government on this occasion.
Good Night Everyone!!
See ya tomorrow