Tue/Wed, 12/13 Feb 2013,12:35am
Electronic City, Bangalore

Let me tell about today’s spoon of motivation first. It comes from the book which I have gifted to myself, yes myself, reward for keeping up with my commitment towards fitness all these days, losing that extra flab and to some extent coming out of the procrastination web I was caught in for long. This is my second purchase of the Chicken soup and soul series.The book is called “Chicken soup for the Father and Daughter soul”. Although Sanskriti turns 6 month old this 16th, I have not even discharged a single duty as a Father. I wish to become an inspirational Dad to my angel who grows as a phenomenal citizen to our motherland. Looking forward to reading this wonderful book 🙂

What a stunning day it had been. Satisfied with work, workouts and my conversations with my Team. From 10:30 in the morning till 10:30 in the night, it had been 12 hours of fun and joy at work. I am loving every bit of my work. It was Day No 45 in 17th week covered across 5 months period (M70: M5W17D45). I weighed 76 Kg today and just to recall, 31st March is the final day of the current Mission. In all this period I have gained lot of good things like consistency, grown interest towards work, increased level of fitness, loss of extra flab to name a few.   
I must go to bed now. Its late……..
Good Night My Dear Readers 🙂