Sat/Sun, 12/13 Jan 2013; 12:20am
Electronic City, Bangalore

I spent the day doing absolutely nothing, wasting time reading, surfing (meaningless, absurd) news on TOI and hitting one link (news) after another, (simply) passing time and the interesting (worst) thing is that I keep on repeating such things time and again. I really need to get out of this habit to make the best use of TIME, self check point, Narendra!!

While having Lunch, I saw the (hollywood) movie ‘The Bucket List’, a worthwhile watch, moving me completely. Its the story of two old men who are terminally ill and would die in another 6 months, and who go on to fulfill a list of (exceptional) things they wish to do (experience) before they die. Stunningly awesome, another movie on my list of All time favorites added. 
Its time to ponder on how to make each minute (of day, of life) count.

Lord Chesterfield has rightly said:

“Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves.”

 Good Night, Lots of Best Wishes!!

Narendra Gupta